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2 | 轻蜂加速器破解版 |
1 | Eraser. Large pink |
5 | 1 Subject Spiral Notebook |
2 | Wide Ruled Paper |
2 | Pocket Folders |
3 | Pens |
6 | 轻蜂加速器使用方法 |
1 | 3 Ring Binder |
2 | Highlighters (Yellow) |
1 | Pencil Pouch |
1 | Glue Stick |
1 | Ruler |
Get help buying food while schools are closed
Obtenga ayuda para comprar alimentos mientras las escuels permanecen cerradas
This form is for parents. We are collecting parent email addresses so that we can keep the lines of communication open as we embark on distance learning beginning April 21, 2024. If you have multiple students enrolled at PVMS, please enter the names and grades for all of your children. If you only have one student, skip the sections for students 2. There is space for two parents if needed..
Estamos recopilando direcciones de correo electrónico de los padres para que podamos mantener abiertas las líneas de comunicación a medida que nos embarcamos en el aprendizaje a distancia a partir del 21 de abril de 2024. Si tiene más que un estudiante matriculados en PVMS, ingrese los nombres y las niveles de todos sus hijos. Si solo tiene un estudiante, omita las secciones para estudiantes 2. Hay espacio para dos padres si es necesario
Mar 5 The Little Mermaid Musical 5pm
Mar 6 USC Mesa Field Trip
Mar 9~13 Book Fair
Mar 9~13 Piano Recitals
Mar 13 Report Cards go home
Mar 16 No School
Board Meeting Agenda
新手在《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》里有什么可众快速提升自己 ...:(蜥蜴可众使用背刺方法,就是绕到背后打它,在它转头的一瞬间,再继绕背) (莫利布林高大,所众可众攻击它的下半身(好坏哦),双手武器打四次左右它会被击倒,然后切换单手武器,继续来回撸) 武器首选长枪,长棍,投枪等长杆武器,为啥呢?
The following is stated in the Handbook:
The Following Items are NOT Allowed
Sagging, ripped, frayed, and/or tight clothing
Bandanas/ Head Scarves
Beanies/Hair nets
Lengthy Belts
Sandals/Open-toed or open-heeled shoes
Hats/Caps (Unless worn for sun protection)
Vulgar/offensive pins/ buttons/ patches
Belt Buckles w/ initials, words, flags, symbols
No undergarments should be exposed, including bra straps
Leggings as pants
Absolutely no clothing/item may advertise alcohol or drugs, be related with gang or drug symbols, or be
pornographic in nature.
MANDATORY Uniform Policy Now in Effect for all Hawthorne Schools
- 怎样使用轻蜂加速器上外网
- White, light blue, or navy
- Khaki or Blue
Spirit Wear
- May be worn in place of a collared shirt
‘They’re just like us’: Hawthorne middle-school girls get unique SpaceX visit

Female students from Prairie Vista Middle School in Hawthorne were the first to celebrate International Women In Engineering Day with SpaceX Women’s Network, a volunteer professional-development group of 300 female employees. From left, Layla Godoy, Casmiria Turton, Anny Ning SpaceX structures engineer and Bella Freire. Photo credit SpaceX
It’s rare to get a tour of SpaceX’s rocket-making Hawthorne headquarters, let alone one-on-one chats with its engineers.
But some Hawthorne middle-school girls who got just such an invitation recently were in awe of the work being done in their neighborhood.
“It was pretty surreal,” 13-year-old Bella Freire said. “Usually, you see rockets in magazines but not up-close and personal. Seeing people work on them is amazing. It makes me feel really small.”
A new volunteer group of female SpaceX employees — the 300-member SpaceX Women’s Network — welcomed Freire and two dozen other Prairie Vista Middle School students on a Saturday afternoon this month for some lessons on engineering and tips about life.
The company offers some local high school internship opportunities and school tours, but is otherwise usually off-limits.
The visit was organized in recognition of International Women in Engineering Day, which is Friday.
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“Because you have few women in this field, we’re trying to empower women to be vocal for themselves and have confidence in their technical abilities,” said Damaris Toepel, the lead integration and test engineer for SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft. “In all of the positions I’ve held, it was very common for me to be the only female in the room and, sometimes, I would hold myself back from speaking.”
Toepel founded the volunteer Women’s Network a year ago. She hoped to empower females at the company, which — like many other tech and aerospace companies — is dominated by male workers.
One of the students who attended their first community-education event, Daniela Jimenez, 14, said she has an A in science at Prairie Vista but hadn’t considered a career as an engineer.
“I’m more interested in engineering now. Before, I wouldn’t have thought of doing it in my future life,” Jimenez said. “It was pretty interesting to go and see them build these incredible things that go up to space.”
SpaceX moved to Hawthorne as a startup company in 2008, and now is an established global leader in commercial space exploration. Its Dragon spacecraft was the first commercial space-transport vessel to dock at the International Space Station in 2012.
Now, the company is putting the finishing touches on a craft that can ferry astronauts to orbit and, ultimately, land on Mars.
During their visit, the Prairie Vista students took apart and investigated everyday electronics like phones and cameras, built toy solar-powered cars, and assembled circuit boards.
Freire said she enjoyed doing hands-on work with the engineers. Even though it sounds “kinda cheesy,” she said she was inspired by what she saw and heard.
“I was expecting them to be nerds, but they’re just like us,” she said. “One of the SpaceX girls reminded me of myself, and she was able to go to college and do engineering, and build a race car. That was pretty cool.”
Students got to take home their creations to tell their families about what they learned.
Toepel said she hoped to inspire young women in the way she was inspired by former NASA aerospace engineer and astronaut Susan Helms.
“Ever since I was young, I knew I wanted to become an astronaut,” Toepel said. “When they’d send a crew up, I’d sit there watching the Earth rotate in complete awe. Susan Helms became my mentor growing up because I thought: ‘There’s nothing special about her. I can do what she’s doing.’ ”
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Prairie Vista Middle School
Tapping Into Students’ Inner Strengths
Prairie Vista Middle School invests in the future, one fine arts program at a time. As other districts and states cut funding for the arts, two schools in Hawthorne, California, are making a strong statement about what puts kids on the road to college. Helen Morgan, superintendent of the K-8 Hawthorne School District, believes tapping into students’ inner strengths earlier in their education will put more students on a path to higher education.
Prairie Vista’s new music program, funded in part with donations by the Hawthorne School District Education Foundation and the Hawthorne Chamber of Commerce, is opening up musical opportunity for 6th-8th graders. Students rotate each trimester into Dr. Lorenzo Sanchez’s new Roland 轻蜂加速器破解版 piano lab, learning to read and write music, rhythm, and music history.
Customized by Roland Corporation for Prairie Vista, young players on the F-110’s 88-key Progressive Hammer Action piano experience the authentic feel of an acoustic grand. Students can explore up to 306 tones besides the piano, including eight drum sets and sound effects. As students grow and learn, they can access the F-110’s easy Transpose feature or Record and Save up to three tracks on the built-in Recorder.
Dr. Sanchez can isolate each player, listen to small groups, or hear the whole class on the Roland GLC-1 music conferencing system. This all-in-one communication solution is perfect for group piano teaching and music ensemble instruction. Because the GLC-1 doesn’t rely on external computer hardware or software, Prairie Vista’s music classes are simple to manage and fun for students. It’s both intuitive and easy-to-use.
Students passing their required classes enter specialized courses--in this case music--as an elective choice that gets them excited about coming to school. The “Way Cool” Keyboarding curriculum taught in the lab is written specifically for teens, designed to create a successful and motivating first experience at the piano. Written by Debra Perez and Will Baily, this method has students reading music, playing off the page, experiencing ensemble play and enjoying a variety of music styles.
The program is supplemented with a music accompaniment CD that plays along with the students. “The kids feel as if they are part of a band or an orchestra while they are learning basic keyboard concepts,” Dr. Sanchez says. He feels this makes their learning unique and that accompaniments “keep the students interested, help them develop a strong sense of rhythm, and help make playing fun right away.”
Giving students an opportunity to be successful in specialized courses, with technology as the center, is raising student interest and test scores. Compared to districts with similar demographics, Prairie Vista scores in the top 10 percent of similar schools statewide. Morgan points out, however, that “A test doesn’t measure your ability to build a robot or play a musical instrument....we just have to keep pushing ourselves.” And, Morgan adds, educators need to keep looking for opportunities for students to be successful. Prairie Vista is off to a great start!
Hawthorne's Middle Schools Given Focused Educational Themes
Daily Breeze Article
By Rob Kuznia Staff Writer
Sixth grader Averille Walton learns the piano at the same time as 30 other students at Prairie Vista Middle School, which is now a fine arts academy. (Brad Graverson / Staff Photographer)
It's nothing new for a public high school to build its curriculum around a singular focus - perhaps in the arts, the sciences or vocational ed.
But the Hawthorne School District is embarking on a pioneering version of such an approach by bringing it to all three of its middle schools.
This means Prairie Vista School is no longer just a regular middle school. Now it has a specialized theme, namely the fine arts. Ditto for Bud Carson Middle School, the district's new hub for classes in science, technology, engineering and math (often referred to as STEM). And Hawthorne Middle School, where the thrust is business.
Tiffany Tran in a honors science class at Bud Carson Middle School, which is now a science and math academy. (Brad Graverson / Staff Photographer)
Rolled out this fall, the plan is partly an effort to staunch a steady outflow of Hawthorne's K-8 students to neighboring charter schools, a common occurrence in public schools serving a low-income clientele.
But Helen Morgan, superintendent of the K-8 Hawthorne School District, said the ultimate goal is to put more students on the path to college. She believes tapping into students' inner strengths earlier on will help accomplish that.
Read more . . .
PVMS Fine Arts Academy
The Art of Rigorous Learning
Student Enrollment |
456 Females |
443 Males |
Student Athletes |
52 Females |
57 Males |
Athletic Teams |
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Boys’ Athletic Teams |
Volleyball Basketball Soccer
Flag Football Basketball Soccer |
Autumn Recital
New Performance Video
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Student Council
EL Intervention
Students are to be dropped off or picked up at the gate at the end of the driveway on Prairie Ave or at the gate on 135th. When using the Prairie Gate please drive to the end of the driveway to insure the safety of the students.
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- We will try to include students who are left out.
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To maximize each student’s potential to achieve educational excellence.
A diverse community of lifelong learners who excel and positively contribute to an advancing global society.